⏳ < 1 minThis coming week, I’m going to write about my experience as a lawyer in ‘Big Law’. It will only be for readers who’ve subscribed to my mailing list, so if you’re interested: sign up now!
What you need to know about Royal Commissions
⏳ 6 minsIt’s Royal Commission (RC) season and misconduct is in the air. Let’s look at what they are, which ongoing RCs you should keep your eye out for, as well as the history of RCs in Australia.
Law Latin: Are you in on the secret?
⏳ 7 minsThis coming month, we’ll take a look at a seemingly obscure but oft-used ‘secret language’ of the law—Latin. But first, we’ll take a detour through music and art. You’ll find that the language used by a profession tells you a lot about its evolution, as well as the persistence of history.
The curious case of the gourmet jams
⏳ 7 minsThis week, we look at what happens when we’re faced with overwhelming choice (whether actual or perceived) in our lives, what the research says, and two things lawyers can do better.
How to detox from your tech dependence
⏳ 4 minsAs we stand on the cusp of 2019, one aspect that stood out to me this year is our dependence on technology for instant ‘rewards’. Here are three concepts that we can take into 2019 to defy this trend. Let’s aim to live and work in a more meaningful way with technology as an aid,
Is technology hijacking your life?
⏳ 7 minsWe’re dependent on technology to make our work and social worlds go round. Unfortunately, there is a dark side to overuse. This week, we take a look at two examples of how the law attempts to regulate technological use and misuse.
Life in the shoes of a judge’s associate (Part 2)
⏳ 3 minsApart from having a great experience, let’s look at the actual reasons for why you should become a judge’s associate. This post is about THE BIG WHY.
Life in the shoes of a judge’s associate (Part 1)
⏳ 7 minsThere is a lot of mystery about what it means to be a judge’s associate—that is—until you become one. Being a judge’s associate is like being a mini barrister, lawyer, legal researcher and executive assistant, all rolled up into one.
Know Thyself: How to lead an examined life
⏳ 5 mins2019 is nearly upon us. Here’s a round-up on influential books that have made my list in the past year, as well as some thoughts on philosophy and the law.
What they don’t teach you at law school
⏳ 6 minsNot everything worth knowing is taught. There are a couple of things that law school doesn’t teach you. Let’s go through the list, because I believe in this: Scientia potentia est = Knowledge is power