⏳ 4 minsCan law firms offer unpaid legal internships on the premise that you’re getting “valuable legal experience” in exchange? Here are some tips for law students and graduates to avoid this trap.
I’m guilty of humblebragging. Are you?
⏳ 4 minsNoticed a recent trend on LinkedIn? It’s the good ol’ humblebrag. We’re all guilty of it. Let’s go for a deep dive into the psyche of the lawyer.
White-collar crime: Prevention is better than the cure (Part 2)
⏳ 11 minsFinally, we race to the finish line with three more lessons on curbing dishonesty in an ecosystem. The aim? To achieve a better, more honest world.
White-collar crime: Prevention is better than the cure (Part 1)
⏳ 7 minsFollowing on from our previous posts, let’s look at some lessons from the existing research and how they’re relevant to stopping white-collar crime in its tracks.
Newsflash: It’s white-collar crime week
⏳ 4 minsLet’s digress slightly to look at this week’s scandal in the US of A, codenamed “Operation Varsity Blues”, and other events at home in Australia.
People Like Us
⏳ 11 minsWho are white-collar criminals? And why are they people like us? Let’s start with the Hall of Infamy. Then we’ll look at some fascinating research on dishonesty and how it’s relevant to the law.
Chat with Evan Ritli
⏳ 7 minsEvan is a lawyer at the Office of Public Prosecutions (OPP) in Victoria and a former Associate to the Honourable Justice Kennedy at the Supreme Court.
To lawyer, or not to lawyer
⏳ 4 minsThat is the question. (User note: Only pass through this door to Lawyer Land if the red flags don’t apply to you.)
Fantastic Bosses and Where to Find Them
⏳ 5 minsLet’s draw on our magical powers to locate some awesome bosses and their defining traits. These are the people we aspire to be, or work for. So let’s sprinkle some faerie dust and see what our potion has delivered!