⏳ 5 minsLawyers, in general, are terrible with money because they are so time-poor. It is a real issue because you end up working a lot, but not enjoying the fruits of your (very hard) labour. Here are some things I wish I had more insight into when I was working in the corporate law world.
CategoryFor Lawyers
Read this book. It might change your life.
⏳ 7 minsThere are a handful of books that I’ve found positively earth-shattering. One of them is Mindset, by Professor Carol Dweck, a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University.
Thinking, Fast and Slow for Lawyers (Part 3)
⏳ 10 minsIn this final instalment, we look at risk-taking, the perils of memory and how we love humans more than robots (except for Pepper the robot above).
Thinking, Fast and Slow for Lawyers (Part 2)
⏳ 8 minsIn Part 1, we discovered how our brains are, well… lazy. This time, let’s delve into the power of storytelling—and how this can mislead us.
Thinking, Fast and Slow for Lawyers (Part 1)
⏳ 10 minsLawyers often believe that they exist on a higher cerebral plane than other humans. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman puts all our fanciful thinking into the garbage can. Here’s a quick summary of what lawyers can learn from his book.
The grey line between truth and illusion
⏳ 6 minsLawyers, like any other human, enjoy weaving narratives that “make sense”. But simple narratives can sometimes ignore the grey line between truth and illusion.
Why do things take – so long?
⏳ 7 minsWe take a look at two aspects of life which lawyers (and almost every other human) struggle with—planning fallacy and optimism bias.
Mindfulness? What lawyers can learn from yoga
⏳ 5 minsI‘ve been going to yoga classes for a couple of years now. In a world of constant distractions, yoga is a welcome relief from the daily clutter of well, life.
Chat with Zara Lim
⏳ 9 minsZara is a commercial litigation lawyer at Aptum, a boutique Melbourne law firm. She also runs an incredible creative business as the founder of Edward Kwan.
“Flavour of the month”
⏳ 3 minsWhat’s hip? What’s happening? It’s ta-da… flavour of the month. And this is why you should ignore it.