Given the fast-paced global developments around COVID-19, I have decided to take Legal Brew on a very short break.
Don’t worry, I’m completely fine.
So why is the Brew on break?
I have decided that it would be a good time to take stock and not add to the incessant noise online.
However, there are still plenty of worthy law-related stories to talk about—from whether price gouging should be made illegal to stop sellers like this one in the US stockpiling 17,700 bottles of hand sanitiser or auctioning toilet rolls, to the extent that society will accept laws to restrict movement based on the research.
One thing is clear—that the coming weeks will throw up multiple challenges, including legal ones. The most important thing is to keep calm and continue thinking critically about issues.
If you’re in Australia, look to factual sources for health-related information such as the Australian Department of Health, ABC News and The Guardian websites. For the rest of the world, check out the World Health Organisation website.
In the meantime, don’t forget to sign up to the Legal Brew mailing list—you can do so below ⬇️ or if you’d like me to cover any topics in the near future, drop me a line here!
Keep safe, and most of all, keep calm!